Sunday, August 16, 2009

Baby Penelope and Her Tito King...

Baby Penelope and Lola Tam...
Taken during our visit in her Office...

Mama and Baby...
Posing cutefully...

Me,my Baby Penelope,My husband JR and My Mom Luz
This picture was taken at Andap Inland Resort.
This is our first family trip with my baby...
This is also her first time in a public place....
this was taken when she is only 6months old...
we really enjoyed this family trip... It was really cold there...

My Baby...

My Baby....
She was born on November 17,2007.
She is now 1year and 8mnths old...
This picture was taken during our visit to her lola.


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Friday, July 31, 2009

My Heartaches and Life's Challenges

January 10,1989,the day my parents rejoices for the fruit of their love burst forth into this wonderful world that God had created. Hi,I am Shielu Jan Mae Hebra and this is the story of my life.
Life for me, is like a wheel.Sometimes,your up,sometimes your down. It's hard to contradict all the bad things that is happening in your life especially on the things you never expected to happen. I came from a broken family.My father is not contented on the relationship with my mother,he always strike his hands to hurt my mother,sometimes he stabs her with hard objects,it's really hard for me seeing them with such actions,it tears my heart into pieces. They started fighting since when I was 10 years old. I am really affected on the time we left my father,it was back when i was in 1st year high school,my mother can no longer take all the sufferings she gets from my father. And we also discovered that my father already has a 2nd family and he have 3 children. Another burden for me to carry. i cried a lot and wasted liters of tears, I blamed God why he did this to our family,I asked myself so many times,WHY?,why did this happen to us, why did our family didn't work out. I try to gather all the reasons but I can't really find the answer.As time passes, the news spread about our family. I really get irritated when people ask me on what i am feeling on what is happening now to our family. I always fake my smile to them. It's not easy to answer it, every time they ask me that... Even though, separated,we never lose communication to our father. My mother never greed us to our father even if she is angry to him. She always told us that even she and father is separated,papa is still our father. July 17, 2004, my grandpa die. It was when I was in 3rd year high school.I thought and i expect that ma and pa will be living together again but after few days,it didn't work out AGAIN! My father is still in love with his second wife.And he chooses them. It did broke my hope for having my family be brought back together. I graduated high school, i am so happy that time,because my mother agree that both of them(my Parents) will be going to my graduation and escort me. I got into college, i enrolled my first course at Bukidnon State College here in our province.My course was Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education. It was then,I meet my Boyfriend, JR. He is a good-looking guy, I really got attracted to him immediately. After 1st year, I decided to proceed to Saint Mary's College in Tagum with the same course. And one reason I transfer there is to follow my boyfriend, because he is residing there. At first,it was easy there but as time passes I find really hard living and studying far from your family. Because of that, I always seek attention, I can't get that with my friends, so, I always try to see my boyfriend. I really feel safe and enjoy with him. I always wanted to be with him everyday. I lost my concentration on my studies. My mother always scolds me because of my grades. After second semester, second year because of being so sticky to my boyfriend, I got pregnant and unfortunately had to stop studying. It was really a downfall both to my parents and me and also to my boyfriend. I regretted it a lot but what can I do? If I will attempt to abort my baby,it would be another big sin I'm making. I talked to my boyfriend,at first he didn't believe me but after having my check up, he decided that we will raise the baby. After that, I gather all the strength I have and told my mother that I'm pregnant, at first she was shocked, she never showed me her crying. She told me that she will raise me and my baby if ever my boyfriend will not handle all the responsibilities he have for us. But fortunately, JR never leave me... We stayed together in one house since i was 4 months pregnant until now... After my revelation to my mother about the bad news, my father arrived just a few minutes. My mother told him that I'm pregnant and she told him that "this is the result of all the things you have done to us". My father was speechless and decided to go home to Panabo rather staying. I know that time,my father was really angry but he can't do anything because of the mistakes he has also done. November 17, 2007, I gave birth to my daughter. I named her Penelope. I'm so happy but sad that time. My baby has a deformity. She has a cleft lip and cleft palate. I was so shocked upon seeing her, i don't know what to say, I just stare at her as the nurse gave her to me. I never expected that she will be like that. But then, I love her and accept her with all my heart. She is a precious gift from God. After 4 months, we took her to Dr. Ilagan to be check and then he scheduled her for operation. March 31,2008, the date of her operation, I was really nervous that time, my mother was in Manila and my husband can't absent in his work because he is only new there.It was only me,my best friend Betcha and Tatay Jules. My baby's operation took 3 hours.After her operation,as I enter the recovery room, I really burst in tears,I got speechless. My heart really melts upon seeing my child with bandage in her lips. As the nurse gave her to me, I really hugged and kissed her... I really thanked God that her operation was successful. We only spent 24 hours in the hospital, the following day my mother arrives from Manila and followed at the hospital and my husband too.It was really tiring and exhausting. We need to feed my baby by means of dropper. We use the dropper to feed her with milk. But then, I am still thankful despite of that.Because my baby is recovering fast... She will be having her second operation when she will be 2 years old. I am still nervous thinking of what will be the outcome of her operation. I always pray to God that He will be giving success to her next operation. For now, we are doing all the things to make her healthy and happy.
After all that, my mother decided to send me back in school. So, now I am studying at Legacy Colleges of Compostela with the course of 2 years Computer Programming, I am so happy to be back in school. And this time, I'm gonna finish it for my family...
About my father,he is still working and I think he is now happy with his second family.
We still communicate with each other,he is still visiting us here in Compostela.And he is happy to his grandchild.Even with our situation, we still respect Him but not quite love him.
Life is a matter of CHOICE not by CHANCE!
So, if we make decisions in our lives,we must think it over and over again, so that we will not regret it in the end!!!